Hubert's Perfectly Normal Day.

> Ramble about MAGIC.

Digital drawing of post-timeskip Ferdinand von Aegir and Hubert von Vestra from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. They are walking side-by-side down a hallway, conversing—which is to say, Hubert is talking and Ferdinand is starry-eyed as he listens to him speak. A speech bubble from Hubert shows a picture of a horse, then an arrow pointing to a dark magic sigil from the game. Hubert is clearly very into the subject, eyes closed and waxing poetic, conjuring a tiny flame from his fingertip by way of demonstration.

Now there’s an idea. You segue smoothly from the topic of HORSES to a much more interesting subject, regaling FERDINAND with a deep dive into your recent experiments with curses most vile. He interrupts your detailed explanation of the effects of Asmodeus’s Moste Evile Murder Matrix to ask what it is that you like about MAGIC. You inform him of the obvious: MAGIC is the best.

Yes, he says, of course it is, but he would like to know why you think it is the best.

You suppose you haven’t given such a question much thought; you’re not one to indulge in that sort of INQUISITIVE CHATTER. But you are able to expound your beliefs without hesitation, as truths are easier than opinions. MAGIC is a wild, wonderful, and dangerous thing that can, with patience, aptitude, respect, and a careful hand, be tamed and mastered to one’s whims.

“Like horses,” FERDINAND says.

Direct continuation from the previous panel. Ferdinand is looking up at Hubert, still starry-eyed but now somewhat expectant. Hubert, meanwhile, has the look of a man who is summoning every ounce of willpower available in every atom of his body to convince himself to say something nice. The fire on his fingertip has gone out, leaving a little scorch mark on the edge of his glove.

... Like horses. You suppose.

Hubert and Ferdinand are now near the dining hall. Ferdinand looks determined as he points a threatening finger at Hubert, a speech bubble over his head depicting a birthday cake with a lit candle. Hubert, a few steps ahead of Ferdinand and facing the dining hall doors, is waving a hand dismissively and scrunching his face up in displeasure. A speech bubble over him shows the same cake as shown in Ferdinand's, but it has a large red X over it.

Alas, there is insufficient time to begin a semantic disagreement you will regret, for the DINING HALL is in sight. As you approach, FERDINAND once again reiterates his argument in favor of your attending his CAKE appointment. Whether or not CAKE occurs at the end of FERDINAND’S work day is none of your business as you will not be participating in such an activity, but you suppose you will, however unfortunately, be AVAILABLE after 6pm regardless, once your daily scheming is complete. It would not be unpleasant to see FERDINAND thrice today, you think—at least until FERDINAND begins espousing the virtues of CAKE yet again, as if there is a CHANCE of your attendance, as if it is a subject of debate, as if it is not a TRIVIALITY and FRIVOLITY and an IMPENDING TRIAL, as if it was not bad enough the LAST TIME you had CAKE, as if, as if

Animated GIF continued from the previous panel, showing Ferdinand and Hubert arguing about cake. Hubert has turned to face Ferdinand again, his back to the dining hall doors; he now has three speech bubbles X-ing out Ferdinand's cake, all with flashing red Xs. His eyes are squeezed shut and he's rapidly turning his head back and forth (for the Homestuck fans among us, a la a classic John Egbert freakout). Suddenly, the dining hall door is burst open by Byleth, who is staring off into space directly ahead with a piece of buttered toast hanging out of her mouth. She's wearing a mess of an outfit: M!Byleth's tunic and belt; F!Byleth's shorts, boots, knee brace, and shoulder, wrist, and elbow armor; a sword with a lilac ribbon tied near the pommel; and what appear to be Edelgard's red tights. Unfortunately, Byleth did not seem to know Hubert was having a strop right outside the door to the dining hall, as it hits him in the face when she opens it and knocks him off-balance. Ferdinand goes from looking determined to being shocked and concerned, his intimidating pointer finger falling into a loosely-closed fist.

Oh, marvelous. It is THE PROFESSOR.

Continuation from the previous panel. Hubert has righted himself and moved away from the door, looking a tad worse for wear with a scuff on his face and deep bags under his eyes. Ferdinand is smiling at Byleth, who is waving back at them both, having somehow managed to inhale more of her toast without use of either of her hands.

You register THE PROFESSOR saying a greeting and an apology, followed by additional words you choose not to register; FERDINAND thanks THE PROFESSOR for the latter on your behalf. She informs you that she did not bring your PRESENT to BREAKFAST, but that she will give it to you when you see each other at the PUBLIC AUDIENCE this afternoon. You attempt to inform her that such a thing is absolutely unnecessary, but FERDINAND thwarts you by thanking her on your behalf again. This man should know better than to speak for you. He will receive a reckoning for his insolence, but you fear he is aware of this and has elected to do so anyway.

This last discovery has confirmed something for you: you are feeling an overwhelming urge to be nasty. There has been a great trampling of a number of your boundaries (not to mention a trampling of your YOU) in a remarkably brief period of time. You are having a normal day. You are having a normal day. You are having a normal day.

Be nasty?

  1. Be nasty. Percentage of votes: 17.5%
  2. Be normal. Percentage of votes: 10%
  3. Be nasty in a normal way. Percentage of votes: 67.5%
  4. OTHER: Have a reaction. Percentage of votes: 5%

July 9, 2024 | 40 votes